sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2015

Fnaf 4: Opinions and expectations

Well guys, as we all know, FNAF 4 IS COMING!!! Hype!!! As my hype keeps growing, I decided I would like to give my opinion to you and some expectations about the game.

In 1st place I would like to congrat Scott Cawthon for beeing an awesome game creator and for making this amazing sequel, but I must admit that I'm very sad because, as we know, this is going to be "The Final Chapter"( did you get the pun?? xD).

But I'm going deeper and talk about the trailer and my expectations. In first place the trailer was AWESOME, so creepy and misterious, loved it.

I think this os going to be the final bomb and the biggest one too, because I hope this last game awnsers all the questions and confirm the teories that are still in open. I also hope that Scott interacts more with us because I think he's the only one who can explain the storyline and the teories.

To conclude, I think that in this game I'm gonna die from an heart attack xD and also that the kids' souls will be free.

I'm waiting for the launch... until there I'l try to discover more and try to create new theories( gonna talk about one of mine in the next post).

Hope you enjoyed this post. Bye and Good Games :P

quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2015

The Reborn

Well, it's been a long time since I wrote in here. I must admit I was a little bit desmotivated to do this but I will continue.

In this post I'm going to make clear some new aspects.

1st- Im going to post when I feel like do it

2nd- It's not going to be just about Fnaf but also other interesting facts, easter eggs,.... BUT all related to games

3rd- Any comment is acceptable EXCEPT spaming or flaming. Make constructive messages.

Stay good, be nice.

Bye and Good Games :P