sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2015

Fnaf 4: Opinions and expectations

Well guys, as we all know, FNAF 4 IS COMING!!! Hype!!! As my hype keeps growing, I decided I would like to give my opinion to you and some expectations about the game.

In 1st place I would like to congrat Scott Cawthon for beeing an awesome game creator and for making this amazing sequel, but I must admit that I'm very sad because, as we know, this is going to be "The Final Chapter"( did you get the pun?? xD).

But I'm going deeper and talk about the trailer and my expectations. In first place the trailer was AWESOME, so creepy and misterious, loved it.

I think this os going to be the final bomb and the biggest one too, because I hope this last game awnsers all the questions and confirm the teories that are still in open. I also hope that Scott interacts more with us because I think he's the only one who can explain the storyline and the teories.

To conclude, I think that in this game I'm gonna die from an heart attack xD and also that the kids' souls will be free.

I'm waiting for the launch... until there I'l try to discover more and try to create new theories( gonna talk about one of mine in the next post).

Hope you enjoyed this post. Bye and Good Games :P

quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2015

The Reborn

Well, it's been a long time since I wrote in here. I must admit I was a little bit desmotivated to do this but I will continue.

In this post I'm going to make clear some new aspects.

1st- Im going to post when I feel like do it

2nd- It's not going to be just about Fnaf but also other interesting facts, easter eggs,.... BUT all related to games

3rd- Any comment is acceptable EXCEPT spaming or flaming. Make constructive messages.

Stay good, be nice.

Bye and Good Games :P

sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2015

Murder of the 6th child and the Begining of the Animatronics

Hi guys, Springtrap here and today im gonna talk about the the murder of the children but in particulary the 6th one and I'm also gonna explain how were the animatronics created.

This minigame is called Take cake to the children and is presented to us in Fnaf 2, it basically represents how was the puppet created. You can see a child outside when suddenly a car arrives and "The Purple Man" kills her. As you can see the stablishment is too small, the opposite of Fnaf 2 place,  it is in an older

stablishment, it is the Freadbears Pizza, the first
Pizzaria, and we know that this kid's soul is the puppet  because in the end of the minigame, after the child beeing killed, it appears the marionette jumpscare.

Alright, we already know about the marionette,and the others???? Well as we know it was the purple man that killed the kids BUT it wasn't him to stuff them into the animatronics.

In Give Life minigame, marionette stufs children in animatronics, but why does he do that??? Maybe marionette is afraid of the purple man, he was the one to kill them so he wants to use the others kids' souls to revenge for him.

Well guys, hope you enjoyed, if you did share it with your friends, write down what you think and see ya next time with a new theory. Bye and Good Games :P

quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2015

"The missing Children" and "The Purple Man"

Hi guys, Springtrap here, and im sooooooo sry for yesterday, didn´t post anything because I didn't get a chance to go to my computer. But to compensate, today im gonna talk about 2 theories. So let's get started:

The first theory is about the animatronics. Why do the animatronics move at night???? The animatronica are "alive" because they have kid's souls hunting them. How am I gonna explain this better, in this image we can see the posters that appear in Fnaf 1, so what are the clues???

1st-  The kids were led to the backroom( where are stored the animatronics' suits and exoskeletons) to get killed
2nd- 5 kids disappeared and their bodies were not found;The suspect of killing the kids was under arrested
3rd- The suspect of killing the kids was under arrested
4th-  The stablishment was closed because the animatronics had a "foul odor" and had blood on them.

With this said we can conclude that the murder was leading the kids to the backroom to kill them and then stuff their bodies in the animatronics( that explains the bodies that disappeared and also why the animatronics had blood on them)

Now a related theory: Who killed the kids??? The man who killed the kids is called "The Purple Man"/"The Purple Guy". Well, there a LOT, but a LOT of theories who this guy can be.

As we can see, "Purple Man" has a  badge, which can mean he is a cop or he works in the pizzeria but, as "The Phone Guy" said, no one except the employers could go to the backroom, so he could have been one of the employers, in particulary, the day shift guard. But there's something really weird about this "Puple Man", what does he hold in his hand???? Here's where  theories start coming in, it can be a phone, which could mean that "The Phone Guy" is actually the killer or it could be some kind of teaser/hacking devise so he could control the animatronics( because the kids' souls wanted to revenge for beeing killed so he uses something to protect himself).

Well guys, is all for today's post, hope you enjoyed, don't forget to comment, share and also submit theories and any doubts you have, see ya next time. Bye and good games :P

segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2015

3rd suspect of "The Bite of 87"/ "The Phone Guy" Theory

Higuys, springtrap here and today we're gonna discuss the 3rd, the 4th and the 5th suspect and also a new theory, so expect a huge text to read xD jk, I'm also gonna put  images/videos so you can understand better what I will talk about, but lets stop talking, lets go to action:

The 3rd suspect of "The Bite of 87" is Mangle. After knowing that Fnaf 2 is a prequel to the first, all the 11 animatronics( including the puppet) could be suspects, but only a few fit the "profile". The third suspect is Mangle. As we can see in this  little gif, In Mangle's jumpscare, Mangle jumps from above and attacks you in  what appears to be, the frontal lobe, exactly the same that happened in "The Bite of 87". And also because Mangle could wanted to revenge in the kids, in fact they were the ones that dismantled Mangle, it was a "creative project" for the kids, what could result in Mangle wants to revenge.

Now we're going to discuss another very interesting theory, "The Phone Guy" theory, also a very popular one. Who is the phone guy??? Most of the theories say that he is the night shift guard that worked there before you but others also said that he's Freddy. Why is dat???? Most of the people consider "The Phone Guy" a voice produced by Freddy's voice box. Why do they think that??? There are many reasons but the principal one is how he talks. In a "haunted" pizzaria, he just talks very calm, like if nothing was happening and also the fact that in night 4 he get's killed the and the scream that we hear is Freddy. But doesn't "The Phone Guy" weird??? In all that environment he just talks very calmly.

Well Guys this was my today's post, hope you enjoyed, if you did don´t forget to comment and share, see ya next time with another theory. Bye and good games :P

P.S: Gonna post, at least, 1 post for each 2 days

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

"The Bite of 87"- 2nd suspect

Hi guys, now we're gonna discuss the second suspect of  "The Bite", we're going to discuss about Freddy Fazbear, the main character In this image we can see some fingerprints in Freddy's head like if someones was pushing him away( can also be an evidence to a theory im gonna talk later). With this said we can conclude that Freddy is a possible suspect to "The Bite of 87".    

With this I hope you enjoyed this little explanation of why is Freddy a suspect, see ya next time with another suspect and a new theory, Bye and good games :P                                                                        

Fnaf: Bite of 87- explanation/who caused it( 1st suspect)???

 Hi guys, Springtrap here, aka Pauloamm, and today im going to talk about Fnaf( Five Nights at Freddy´s). Today im going to discuss a very popular theory and one of the possible suspects( the others I explain later). So let's begin.. What was the bite of 87??? We first heard about the night of 87 in Fnaf 1 in night 1 when "The Phone Guy" talks about it.
 So, what exactly happened??? Well, one animatronic bited a child's head and riped of his/her front lobe. Because of the incident, the animatronics were forbidden to walk in the restaurant during the day time. But who caused it??? There are lot of theories but today im going to talk about the more popular, Foxy. Foxy is one of the principal suspects of "The Bite of 87" because he has got his jaw broken and he is isolated( the animatronics blame him and want to "revenge"). So this was today's "suspect" see ya next time for more. Don't forget to like and share with your friends if you liked it and plz write want you want to discuss next. Bye and good games :P

sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

The begining

Hi guys, Springtrap here, aka Pauloamm, and today I'm going to start my newest blog! Great! And now what???? Now in this blog im gonna talk and discuss some theories, backstories, weird things and other stuff related to games. Hope you enjoy and if you want me to discuss any theory or story particulary just write it down. Bye and good games :P